Training For A Relay Race–Hood to coast
Hey! I forgot to tell you I’m running a relay race. and this is not just any relay race – this is the mother of all relays… Hood to Coast!!
I was asked to join the Runner’s world Hood to coast (HTC) team months ago and kind of forgot about it until recently when we got an email with our leg assignments. שְׁטוּיוֹת. Ish just got real.
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Face Mask for Running and walking outside during Coronavirus outbreak.
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If you have been reading RER for a few years you might remember that I completely freaked the F out during the night run of my first relay. I did reach the beach in MA with a blogger team. In my defense, it was crazy – pitch black with forest on either side of me, no other runners in sight and my van couldn’t stay with me (per rules).
Reach the beach leg 2 < – where I freak out Reach the beach leg 3 <- gross blister in that one. I hesitated to do another relay until my SoCal girls conned me into doing one with them. I did Ragnar SoCal last year and had a blast. I swore ‘never again’ after that one though because night running just isn’t my jam. but I could not turn this down – when someone from Runner’s world calls – you drop your phone and then pick it up and answer. So now I find myself about two weeks out from the relay… sounds like just the ideal time to start training, right? (Note: These are all exaggerations, as with 84% of the content on RER. I do enough miles that I’m fine for the race, but two-a-days every now and then would be ideal.) How a Monican Trains for Hood to coast Relay Race: 1. look up my legs – I got the one I requested so I’m ecstatic about that! but it’s considered the 3rd hardest of the whole deal! The 3rd leg is the hardest. Over the course of the relay I will be running 17.52 miles. I scoped them out. One thing done. 2. get some positive mantras going on for the night leg. This is always my greatest worry so I want to be equipped with some positive thoughts. This might involve me calling someone to speak to the whole time I’m running OR making a whole ‘light up’ suit so you can spot me from the moon… I don’t know. 3. enjoy the Hood to coast Movie. I saw this in the theater years ago – before I had ever run a relay race – and was so inspired! This is a great running movie! Post where I saw the motion picture in 2011(!!!) I can’t believe it was that long ago… Bringing the Hood to Hood to Coast. 4. pack snacks. Question: have you seen the HTC Movie?! Have you done a relay? Can I call you when I run my night leg? שלח לי את חוברת העבודה להציל שיתוף הוא אכפתיות! לַחֲלוֹק צִיוּץ פִּין לַחֲלוֹק דוֹאַר לַחֲלוֹק keep opting for these: AFC half Marathon Race recap and Photos AFC half Marathon Race recap and Photos America's Finest City (San Diego) half Marathon Race results and Recap. AFC half Marathon photos. Running in new Race discounts and voucher Codes OC Marathon, Revel and More! new Race discounts and voucher Codes OC Marathon, Revel and More! Orange county Marathon half Marathon discount code, Lexus lace Up Race series discount for Irvine, Ventura, Palos Verdesקוד הנחה של Lexus Late Up Race עבור חצי מרתון 10K ו- 5K ריצות קוד הנחה של Lexus Late Up Race עבור חצי מרתון 10K ו- 5K ריצות Lexus Late Up Running Series קוד הנחה Monica10 - השתמש בקוד השובר הזה כדי לחסוך 10% בחצי מרתון, 10K ו- 5K מירוץ תוכנית אימונים של מרתון OC וקוד הנחת מירוץ תוכנית אימונים של מרתון OC וקוד הנחת מירוץ תכנית אימונים של מרתון וחצי מרתון ביניים כדי להגיע מהר יותר או יחסי ציבור. לרצים עם יעד זמן. חוזק טרונאי הנחות מירוץ וקודי השובר-RNR סן דייגו, לקסוס תחרה, מרתון של Revel ועוד! הנחות מירוץ וקודי השובר-RNR סן דייגו, לקסוס תחרה, מרתון של Revel ועוד! סיבוב חדש של קודי הנחה מירוץ למרתון הקרוב, חצי מרתון, 10K ו- 5K מירוצים. זה כולל את ה- RNR SAN DI 2021 עדכוני מירוץ מרתון והודעות 2021 עדכוני מירוץ מרתון והודעות רשימת ריצות מרתון וחצי מרתון שמתרחשות בשנת 2021. מירוצים שלא מבוטלים. עדכונים והרשמה ⚡ מאת Shareaholic ו