Do Donuts ideal

After walking the dogs at my mom’s yesterday I made a decision to surprise her at work. I even brought a treat – light coffee frap for her, iced tea for me.

When I bought the frap light the person asked if I wanted whipped cream. I told him that defeats the purpose and he said people buy fraps light with extra whipped cream and extra caramel all the time. He goes, “I figure, whatever helps you sleep at night…”
MY most current VIDEOS

4 minute Standing Core workout for Runners
Standing Abs workout you can do at home. No equipment core exercises you can do standing up before or after a run. fast tutorial on 5 workout moves for a strong core and to challenge your balance.

עוד סירטונים

0 seconds of 4 minutes, 31 seconds

הבא בתור
My charming wife in the Pysch Ward: A Memoir – book Review


When my mommy got off work we hit up Costco because that’s our favorite thing thankfully we went to another location so no one realized I just was there yesterday.

Cheese tortellini sample

CINNAMON toast crunch will you marry me?

And I finally got to try the Popchips sweet Potato flavor! I’ve been eyeing these for weeks, but was hesitant to get a big bag without trying them. הם טובים! (But I still didn’t get a bag just yet.)

When I got home Ben gave me a present!

He brought me a diet Dr. Pepper and leftover black beans from a work lunch. I was incredibly ecstatic about these gifts!!! Wouldn’t you be?!

I made a pizza omelet for dinner. It’s a regular omelet stuffed with marinara sauce and green onions topped with cheese.

This morning I was headed out the door for a long run and my Garmin beeped the “Battery Low” screen. MotherF. This is BS because I had just charged it. It’s probably on it’s last running legs.

Anyways, I ran 12 miles and walked 2 I think? I don’t know and I don’t care.

A big part of running is mental and my mental state hasn’t been the best these last few weeks. I’ve had enough time to be in a funk and now it’s time to fight it away. I’m going to bust out my calendar and see how long I have until my next race. plus – I have the opportunity to run an addition race in June for frizey. אני בפנים!

After my run I did my normal Saturday post-LR ritual and hit up whole Foods. Detox juice to flush out all the toxins I stirred up while running

I 100% blame Janae, but I’ve been craving a donut for days!

I identified a Baked chocolate Cake donut in the whole Foods bakery case and made a decision to try it. Eh. I ate half on the way home and it wasn’t “hitting the spot” if you will.

So, I stopped at a “real” donut place and got a real (fried) one.

I was embarrassed to tell Ben I gotten two DONUTS, but he said, “Do it ideal or do it twice!”


I love making healthier options of foods I eat all the time – like pizza. but often a healthy choice isn’t going to cut it.

Now I’m enjoying cycling and talking to you fine people. plans for the remainder of the day include being productive for at least 2 solid hours. Then, rest and relaxation.


שלח לי את חוברת העבודה


שיתוף הוא אכפתיות!







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Can you eat donuts and be healthy?

Can you eat donuts and be healthy?

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