Easter dessert Recipes

Did you view trash TV yesterday?

Two of my shows are on Monday night, so today is trash TV Tuesday.
MY newest VIDEOS

Golden Retriever Won’t Take His Pills!

עוד סירטונים

0 seconds of 2 minutes, 19 seconds

הבא בתור
Then She Was Gone – book Review


First off, I am over Basketball Wives. There is nothing going on for anybody on that show. All they do is satisfy for drinks or lunch as well as talk crap about each other. Then, satisfy for drinks or lunch as well as fight about exactly how that person was speaking crap about them. as well as they physically fight with each other?!?!

Basketball Wives – TV shows – full Episode video – truth TV Shows

When my bit sibling was 4 years old I asked him about institution as well as if he complied with the rules. He responded to with the guidelines (to show me that he understood them), “No pushing, no biting, no hitting, no cutting…keep your hands to yourself.”

Even bit youngsters understand you’re expected to keep YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF. (Maybe Chris brown skipped preschool since he doesn’t understand this either.)

Bethanny ever After

Love like love as always. She’s funny as well as assertive as well as vulgar as well as that infant is adorable. like it all.


Here is the Huffington publish recap of Bethanny ever After

נ.ב. – The Huffington publish Living twitter peeps tweeted me today! I died a bit of happiness.

Oh, as well as because this is expected to be a Food / fun / physical fitness blog…

Let me REPEAT two fun Easter Recipes…

How to Make a Bunny Cake

Easter Egg Baskets (made out of coconut)

Trash TV thoughts?

Easter recipe thoughts?



שיתוף הוא אכפתיות!







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